
In Conversation With: Sakshi Kapoor – Part II

Isprava builds luxury villas for sale in Goa that have modern amenities and old world charm. Centrally located in North Goa, these villas are beautiful representations of what can be done when the construction and design process are synched up in one entity. As much as Isprava is concerned with the technical aspects of building a structure, the interior design is something we pay as much attention to if not more. Isprava wants to provide you with a once in a lifetime experience of your unique luxury villa. In order to create this, Isprava has commissioned artists to work on exclusive pieces for each villa. These paintings are influenced by the colonial heritage of Goa while keeping in mind the modern designs of the villas.

 luxury villas for sale in Goa

Last week Sakshi Kapoor walked us through her love for Portuguese style architecture and how she wants her paintings to enhance the environment rather than stand out and take center stage. She worked on six very interesting pieces for Villa Cecilia which we asked her about.

Three of the painting have Portuguese tile patterns in the background, two of which are paintings inspired by 16th century portraits of Portuguese royalty. One of my favourites is the Feni bottle which shows the infamous cashew liquor that is produced exclusively in Goa. This is an ode to local culture and cuisine.

Portraits of Portuguese Royalty

Que Lindeza painting

The “Que Lindeza!” painting is a Portugese phrase that means “How Pretty” or “What Prettiness”. I found this exclamation to be very endearing and evocative of old Goan ladies sitting on the porch and chatting with neighbours.

Que Lindeza Painting

The cherub is typically found in Christian and Renaissance art and can be found in churches and windows across Goa. I thought this was a nice ode to the Christian heritage of the city while still being playful and bright

Christian heritage

While I enjoyed the two portraits the most, I find the Feni bottle the most interesting. The background is inspired by Portuguese interiors however the main subject of the painting, the bottle of Feni, is a huge part of Goan culture. It’s cheap and local but suggestive of the archetypical laid back Goan lifestyle.

bottle of Feni

Each of the paintings is bright and cheerful and will add a great touch of colour to the villa. I can’t wait to see them hung up and ready for viewing!